30 November 2011

Quotes from Little Human Being - November 2011

It has been a relaxed month when it comes to the world of BLOGGING

With summer coming into full swing I have taken time to get out into nature, relax and spend time with friends and family.

Despite all the R and R, the Little Human Being BLOG did get a few posts this month:

"Even the whales come around to enjoy the atmosphere." Cape Town Summer

"seldom noticed, but in the background goes about its business of maintaining the balance of existence." Honey Bee Facts

"miracles with wings that help bring even more sweetness into our world..." Honey Bee Facts

"imbalances in mind and spirit manifest most perfectly in the body" Health is not a Destination

"Cherish your light, maintain your love and walk boldly along your path...  " Health is not a Destination

"Somehow we find security and stability in the familiar, no matter how impractical or obsolete it may be." Times of Change

"Life is a choice" CRABS!!!

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