25 March 2012


Little Human Being has recently been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award - whoop whoop

I have been blogging for over a year now and it is interesting to see the relationships that develop around  one's work. Who are the people that support you most, with whom and where on this little planet of ours do relationships evolve.

I received this nomination from Miss Lego, a dedicated blogger somewhere in Colombia. Miss Lego blogs about any and everything bringing her own personal touch into her posts. To make things more interesting her posts are in both English and Spanish.

It is with a big smile that I accept this AWARD and must admit that I am most excited by the thought of passing it on...

I would like to nominate the following bloggers for this award:

Amanda with her blog Ice Cream Bun's Interesting Junk - Ice Cream Bun runs a tight ship. She calls a spade a spade and if you make it past the explicit content warning you will meet an interesting girl navigating her way through the insanity of modern life. Amanda can be found somewhere in Malaysia.

Varun has a great blog - Varun Genius's Blog is driven purely by great written content - no pics that I have seen. Varun has a vision, a vision for himself, a vision for humanity. Blogging from Kashmir, India, I look forward seeing how high Varun decides to fly.

My next 3 nominees shine their light from sunny South Africa:

Katie is the infamous Dundagirl - Dundagirl blogs about any and everything with most of her posts sharing what she finds on the net - all selected with her own personal, twisted, beautiful, crazy, magical touch. I believe Katie is still warming up and when she finds her niche the world had better watch out!

Nadya is a formidable powerhouse of integrity and passion. Her blog Journey Keeper is a great place to connect with and understand this amazing mom. Nadya blogs about books, experiences, life and much much more... interesting is her underlying passion for the planet and its sacredness - a way of existing, a way of being that more and more people will come to understand and embrace in the coming years.

My fifth nomination is not a blogger, but an inspirational indie author and friend. Justin de Wet is an amazing guy who has recently written Behind the Mirror - Behind the Mirror is a story unlike any other, a journey into the source of life as we know it... even more amazing is the story behind Behind the Mirror. I have no doubt that with time Justin shall be recognized for this gift he has left for humanity.

Behind the Mirror is available in print from Lulu.com and digitally from Barnes and Noble and Apple iTunes.

The Liebster Blog Award rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Link back to their blog.
3. Copy and paste the Liebster award to your profile.
4. Pick 5 blogs that you feel deserve to be in the spotlight (they must have @200 followers or under).
5. Blog about it and leave a comment for your nominations to let them know that you have chosen their blog.


  1. Thanks for your great inspiring words, Reine! I'm honoured for receiving this award. I'm glad that you found my blog inspiring :)
    Love and Peace, Varun

  2. Thank you Reine. It is an exceptional treat to realise that someone finds what you do and say inspirational.

    Enjoy your praise in kind http://www.journey-keeper.com/2012/03/liebster-blog-award.html


  3. Congrats on your award!
    hugs from New York,
    Ask Erena
    Blog @ http://askerena.blogspot.com/
    Shop @ http://eabshop.blogspot.com/

  4. I love you too!!!! Thanks Reine... :)


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